• Client – Precision Prep
  • Industry – Meal Prep / B2C
  • Date – 2021

I needed to figure out how to generate more sales during the slow season at the end of the year. Having brainstormed with the client, we came up with an idea to create a TikTok menu that was “inspired” by meals that went viral on the social media app.


Looking into the sales analytics research from the past five years for the client, Kent found a pattern and knew exactly when the slow season began. From those findings, the timeline for the campaign was from November to December of 2021. The target audience was people who like the client’s social media accounts and their friends within a 30-mile radius of Visalia, which was researched and tested the year before and found successful results. From there the goals were to;

    • Build brand awareness about the new menu.
    • See sales of TikTok meals from brand awareness.

From there my measurable objectives were;

    • Reach over 5,000 people on social media.
    • Have sales of TikTok meals reach at least 50 meals total.

Below are the strategies and tactics that I used.

    • Social Media Marketing: Strategically created eye-catching content on Facebook and Instagram. Both in post and story form. Also had the client go live on their Facebook to speak directly to customers about the new menu.
    • Social Media Ad Buying: On a weekly basis, 5 posts were strategically spread out and boosted each Wednesday. The idea is to have ads running continuously all day on the day before and the next day when the deadline to get meal orders in was at 10pm. One-half of the ad budget went to other content, while $25 a week, $6.25 a post, went to the target audience showcasing the TikTok menu content.
    • Email Marketing: Designed and wrote an email about the new TikTok menu launch that went to the client’s 700+ email subscribers.
    • Influencer Marketing: Had the client, who is influential in the community, post content on their Instagram account that promoted the new menu launch.
    • Word-Of-Mouth Marketing: Had a worker at the brick-and-mortar store tell customers, who pick up their meals, in person about the new menu launch.

Below were the final results.

    • Reach: 6,841
    • Meals Sold: 208

Sales from the TikTok “Inspired” menu saw 208 meals sold in the two months from the initial launch. That is a 316%+ increase from the original measurable objective. Social media reached 6,841 people within the target audience. That is a 36%+ increase from the original measurable objective. The campaign was so successful that the client continued it into the following year. It also helped sales in the slow season see a 36.68%+ average increase from the previous year.